Friday, February 24, 2012

Women Solehah

The Prophet said, 'This world is jewelry, and the best jewelry is righteous woman. (HR Muslim).

`A'ishah that tells; I asked the Prophet:" Who is the greatest right over a woman? ". The Prophet replied: "Her husband". I asked: "Who is the greatest right over a man?". The Prophet replied: "His mother". (HR al-Hakim)

One day a woman named Zainab who was called Khatibatin-Nisa 'have discovered the Prophet and said: "I was sent the women to you. Jihad which are required by God to men, if they were badly injured, they get a reward. And if they fall, they live in the sight of their Lord, and have been provided. While we are women, often helping them. So what are our reward for all that? "
The Prophet said: "Give to those you find from the women, whereas TURN TO HUSBAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE rights is like the reward of the Jihad, BUT VERY FEW PEOPLE FROM YOU TO DO." (Reported by Al-Bazzar and Ath-Thabrani)

The Prophet said: "When a woman on her pregnancy from her husband pleased valid, for it has received rewards such as fasting and other religious duties to perform in the way of Allah, and if it feels heavy, tired or lethargic, it can not be imagined by the occupier of the sky and the earth, how much excitement is provided by Allah in the hereafter. When their children were born, then from each gulp of milk which is drawn by children, the mothers get good rewards. When the mother staying up at night (lack of sleep as a child) then the mother get 70 reward as freeing the slaves of Allah. "(HR Ibn Hibban)

A woman came to the Prophet and asked to explain he said: "Indeed, cousin meminangku, so before I got married, tell me, what is the right of a husband against his wife? The Prophet said: "For the right of a husband against his wife is very large, so that when the flow of blood or pus her nose, then licked his wife, has not paid her husband's rights. And if man is allowed to prostrate myself to man, I would have ordered the wife to prostrate to her husband. "(HR. Al-Hakim)

God's Messenger said, "If a husband calls his wife came to bed (ie to sexual contact) and he refused, and caused her husband to sleep in anger, the angels will curse until the morning. (Bukhari)

Prophet. said, "If a husband calls his wife as the wish to, then go to him even when he was baking bread." (Narrated by Ahmad, al-Nasa-ie and al-Tirmidhi)

Prophet. said, "A wife is not fulfilling the rights of God as long as he does not fulfill the rights of her husband, if the husband wishes to him while he was in the rear mount, he should refuse." (Narrated by al-Thabarani)

"... The righteous women must be obedient and keep her dignity in the absence of the protection of God ..." (Surat an-Nisa ', verse 34)

The Prophet said, "The best women are those who can cheer you when you see it, and that obey you when you told him, and he kept his dignity and property you when absence". (HR Nasa'i, Sufis, Ahmad and al-Hakim)

He said which means: "I saw Paradise and I saw many residents are fuqara '(the poor) and I look to the Fire, I saw many residents are women." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Rasulullah saw said: "Allah will not look at women who do not appreciate what is in her husband and did not feel up to it." (HR Nasa'i)

Rasulullah saw said: "Women who seek divorce on her husband for no reason (that Syar'ie) and therefore illegal for him to kiss fragrance of Paradise." (Narrated by Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhi)

In another hadith, the Prophet describes the female dwellers of Hell, he said: "... and the women who dressed but in fact they are naked, their heads melenggak-buckling of pride and turned away from obedience to God and her husband, their heads like a as bunggul camels. They will not enter Paradise and not get but how sweet it smells sweet it smells Heaven can be obtained from a long journey and a long distance. "(Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad)

In the story of the solar eclipse prayer, the Prophet and the eclipse prayer friends do it with a long prayer, the Prophet saw Heaven and Hell. When beginda see hell beginda said to his companions: "... and I saw the Fire, I had never seen a view like this at all, I saw many residents are women. The companions asked: "Why do (so) O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet said: "Because of their unbelief." Then asked: "Are they ungrateful to Allah?" He replied: "They deny to their husbands, deny the benefits-benefits. If you do good to any one of them for a long time and then he saw something on your head (not his favorite) he will say: 'I did not see the speck in you.' "(Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari )

When finished preaching beginda feast, which would contain the command to fear God and organized to obey. He even got up came the women, he advised them and reminded them of the Hereafter, then he said: "Give charity for all. Because most of you are firewood of Hell! "There stood a woman who sat between other women who changed the second black cheeks, he asked:" Why so, O Messenger of Allah? "He replied:" Because you complain a lot and you not obey the husband. "(Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet said, "When a woman take care of the five daily prayers, fasting during Ramadan, to keep chaste and obedient to her husband, while in the hereafter said to him: 'Go into the door of heaven wherever you like". (Reported by Ahmad)

The Prophet said, "Any woman who died in her husband's pleased with him, he will enter Paradise". (HR At-Tirmidhi)

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