Monday, April 2, 2012

Hadith About Spending

36. If you spend (to help others), O son of Adam! I [God] shall spend on you.
(Bukhari, Muslim).
(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

37. It is better for a man to give a dirham as Sadqa during his lifetime than to give a hundred at the time of his death.
(Abu Dawud).
(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

38. Do not consider any act of kindness insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.
(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

39. Sadqa given to a poor man is just Sadqa, but when given to a relative it serves a double purpose, being both Sadqa and a connecting link.
(Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Darimi).
(Sayings of Muhammad. by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad).

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