Friday, February 24, 2012

Zakat Fitrah

Ibn Umar narrated: "Rasulullah SAW requires Fitr Zakat in the month of Ramadan to a Muslim, whether he be free or slave, male or female. That 2.8KG dates or wheat. "(HR Muslim)

According to the consensus of scholars, zakat fitrah must be paid in the form of basic food in a country. So in Malaysia, zakat fitrah paid in the form of rice.

What is the nature of zakat can be paid in the form of money?
According to scholars Hanafiyah, can be paid with the value (qiimatuhu), which is in the form of an equivalent value of food.
Whereas according to the consensus of scholars (Malikiyah, Syafi'iyah, Hanabilah), can not be paid with the value. Zakat fitrah must be given in the form of food (rice).

Usually collect or receive payment of zakat collection centers in the form of zakat fitrah, but passed it to the right in the form of rice.

Prophet Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam compulsory zakat fitrah and ordered him to be paid before the prayer Outlook. [HR al-Bukhari]

Prophet Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam compulsory zakat fitrah as a purification for those who fast from a futile act and word dirty, and as food for the poor. [Abu Dawud]

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