Friday, February 24, 2012

I Never Pray, But I Am Rich and Success

We know that knowledge is light, and would not enter the hearts of darkness, but we see our friends who gamble, the consumption of alcohol, may be doing reasonably well, while we struggled to even have tried. We know that, who do good, obedient to God will be made street life, but we can see, our friends do not pray, but his business success, we also live with challenges. We also know that, Islam is the religion of truth, but we often see people who are more successful is not Islam, and Islam oppressed people in a narrower life suffered. People ask me. Why is this?

Now this is true? Do we understand all this not true? I would like to ask you.

Do you know what istidraj? Istidraj is one word, which often point to the person who continues to be showered food and an abundance of success in life, although he was not a faithful servant of God, but also a manufacturer of rigid vices. Why they are called the people who get istidraj? Apakakah istidraj purpose?

Istidraj is, when God gave success, wealth, an abundance of food for humans to become more distant from Him.

Usually, people who get this istidraj are those who do not try to do business in the life of Islam, does not strive to know Allah SWT.

Examples of people who get this istidraj much. We see a simple example. Qarun. Do you know the treasures? He is a very rich human. Narrated that the key to filling the box stores do not treasure can be lifted by strong men. It is to say how rich he is.

The story of Qarun in the Qur'an. Abundance of wealth. All business to be. All investments to expand. Wealth growing more days, while the increase yesterday did not badger use.

But when Moses tried to remind her of all his wealth comes from God, then went to the arrogant answer, No, this is the result of me in knowledge "See. See what Qarun said.

No, this is the result of me in knowledge. He is obviously further away from God, despite his wealth becomes abundant sustenance and so on. He ignored every time the followers of the prophet Moses, who were the poor and slaves.

What is the end of the treasures? She was eventually sunk into the earth with God throughout the property. The story is found in the Quran. Well what is that we want?

That's why I want to invite relatives to think, what will arise in your hearts when you are the kind melazimi sins, to do evil, then you succeed in exams or business. What is it that will arise in the soul are you?

I am confident, 99% would feel like, look, I do not pray even succeed. Who says prayer got a success? What will happen to you at that time? You are successful, but you are further away from God. That istidraj. So do not panic when not successful. Try again.

Your faith relationship with God is first and foremost you need to see .. If you succeed in building good faith relations, insyaALLAH, whatever storm comes, you will be able to pass through.

Actually, God likes to test his servants who believe. There is a story that I love to read when I was little.

There are two fishermen. The gods, and another Muslim obedience to God. When casting nets, which the name of gods to worship idols, while the Muslims read bismillah. The shrimp was appointed, who worship the idols get a lot of fish, while the Muslims, almost no fish for him on that day.

Who saw the angel asked God.

O God, what happened? Thy menyekutukanMu, YOU give him a lot of things, whereas mention Thy Name, YOU do not provide any HE

God said,

Heresy, the place was already sure HELL.

So what are the things which would be devastated if I give Him? But My servant who believe it, I AM mengganjarkanNya to heaven, then I AM like to test it to see the truth of his faith

Well, do not you disappointed when tested, did not succeed in the examination even though they study, but neatly out of business strategy. That's all part of the test God. God tested only for their loved ones.

ALLAH is saying,

Did you suppose WE will let you say, we believe, when you have not been tested?

If the failure of any one item, the matter. You have yet to fail in life. Keep going, as long as life lasts. InsyaALLAH God will provide something meaningful to you. Let us think of our CREATOR. So actually, when life is shaken with problems, should we feel grateful. Sign is, God is still close to us. Test is a sign of love and attention to us.

Impossible you like happy moment in the world, in the eternal Hereafter you will suffer. You want istidraj? I believe not .. You are calm now?

You are obligated to not feel relaxed if you do sin, and you succeed. For this reason, self-reflection is important. We can always check how our relationship with Allah SWT.

I am guilty, but I am rich.

Us to be careful not to utterance, or utterance, pronouncement of similar meaning out of our mouths.

Let us all sit, and reflect upon it.

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