Sunday, March 18, 2012

Islam Is Simple And Comprehensive


Truly, Allah has made Islam aperfect religion, as a guidance for human being to live  in perfect happy life in this world and hereafter, so scripture in Islam is not to burden people but is easy to practice.

The Qur'an says:
"Allah desireth for you ease; He desireth not hardship for you." (Baqaroh : 185)

According to the Quran and Hadith, it clearly show that each commands and restrictions from Allah is for protecting and taking care of our benefits. Each of Allah's commands is good and easy to put into practice. Each restriction is not good and we should not do it. Allah is All-Wise, All-Knowing. Allah knows His creations has the ability to practice His order.

The Quran says:
" Allah has not laid upon you in religion any hardship." (Al-Hajj;78)

Islam and Importance of Knowledge

Muslims, men or women, Islam asked them to learn and enrich themselves.

The Hadith said:
"Seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim, male and female." (Bukhary and Muslim)

No matter what kinds of knowledge are there, all for the benefits of this world and hereafter, every Muslim should study and try to be kind-hearted believer, and get success in this world and hereafter.

The Hadith said:
" Who wants to get successful in this world, the he must have knowledge ; who wants to get successful in hereafter, the he must have knowledge ; who want to get succesful in this world and hereafter, the he must have knowledge." (Bukhary and Muslim)

Pursuing knowledge is like a welfare work, being conceptualized about ibadah, one can pursuit knowledge easily. There are different ways to pursuit knowledge : going to school, reading, listening, inquiring and communicating. A learned person should practice wahta he himself preaches, and spread his or her knoledge to other people. This kind of scholar will be holding a higher rank of Allah and in social community as well.

The Quran says:
"Allah will exalt those who believe you, and those who have knowledge, to high ranks." (58:11)

will continue..

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